FRIENDSHIP | International Day of Friendship
This isn't just an arbitrary day that someone decided should be dedicated to their buddies. The United Nations declared July 30th International Friendship Day to support the idea that "...friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities." It is a commitment to show the youth of our world that camaraderie and cooperation are what we need to lead us to long term international peace.
That is a fantastic sentiment. Here at home, we want everyone to take this day as an opportunity to thank all those rad people who make up our support systems. The people who show up for us when we need them to, in whatever way we need them to.
There are many different kinds of friends. Silent and wise. Overtly protective and strong. Warm and nurturing. We need all of them.
You can't expect everyone to be the same kind of friend that you would be, we are all different. But you can keep around those awesome humans with whom you find a comfortable compatibility. In the same breath, don't feel guilt for letting go of destructive influences in your life. Our social energy is not unlimited. Sometimes having a social life at all in between all our other commitments can be challenging. So we need to make our time count, and give it to those who don't take it for granted.
Real friends aren't afraid to give us feedback, and give us hugs. When we feel like we can't count on ourselves, they are there to hold us up. They don't let us give up on ourselves. We share our secrets and they keep them safe. They are our partners in crime, our shelter in a storm, our chosen family.
"Friend" is more than just a casual term. It represents a bond that is an integral part of human interaction. On July 30th, and every day, we should celebrate and appreciate those every day heroes we hold so dear.