MEET THE BOSS | Q+A with Jessica
Behind every great brand is at least one amazing visionary. We thought it high time to give you the dirty on our one and only boss-lady extraordinaire, Jessica Wilson. She is an entrepreneur by nature, always seeing the possibility to create, well, anything that will inspire her and others. She let us in on a few details about herself, her life, and what drives her.
Who influences your style?
Life - ha ha. That is, the life I want to live. Living in a small community, I don't need to ‘dress up’ very often, but I like to look nice and be comfortable. So I just focus on designing for what I want in my life. I will also say that Instagram and other social media have a part to play too. If I see something I want, I put it on the board to make!
Where do you work best?
HOME, for sure! I love to be in my office with my computer and a cup of tea. And slippers, my feet are always cold. Good music is usually playing and I can get the most done when I am not distracted.
Why did you pick the name SALT?
It was a quick decision. When I sold my last company I had 30 days to rebrand and get ready for the busy season again so I had to think fast. I thought about what natural element brings me the most joy + balancing energy. The answer… was the Ocean. So that is where I started, I wanted a simple name that meant something to me. I found SALT to be the perfect name to unite the ocean + the island I live on!
If you could start your next business right now, what would it be?
OH, I have so many building in my head it’s hard to choose. I think the one I wish to start is my dream of having a Creative barn! My vision: a large piece of acreage, that I build a BEAUTIFUL barn on. The top floor, SALT headquarters, the bottom floor gets split into artist studios + of course a coffee shop / juice bar / retail shop. I think it would be a really fun community space to visit + host events! Its the big dream :D
But the new business I am actually working on in the background is Wilder Designs. A multi-faceted design company that covers everything from graphic design, media layouts, residential and commercial decor + so much more! Its in the works and I am excited!
You just designed your first home. Tell us about that process?
Whew, it was a whirl wind! I am super lucky all of my family is into contracting so the support system was rad. It took 4 months to build + I designed it myself. I kept function + affordability at the top of my list of priorities. I loved making the design choices; it was extremely gratifying to see it all come together, albeit a tiny bit exhausting.
How would you describe your home decor tastes?
White + Black + Plants! I would say that is my main theme. However, I do like a mixture of a little bohemian and a little industrial in there too. So I guess I’m just my own bag of tricks!
What was the last recipe you tried that you loved?
I was recently given a meal plan by my cousin who runs Ingrained Nutrition. She is a delight, and her food - OMG. It is so healthy and extremely vibrant and flavorful. Her recipe for Buckwheat waffles is EXCELLENT, as well as her Zucchini Noodles + Alfredo sauce made with cashews + dill. All to die for, yum yum! Might have to be a wellness feature in the future! ;)
Where is your favourite outdoor space?
I would have to say the swim grid on our family sailboat. Because when I am sitting on it it usually means that the sun is out and I am soaking up some rays in my bikini! It also means that I am taking some well needed time out for myself.
What are 3 things you have learned as an entrepreneur that you think all business owners should know?
1) Follow Thru - Ideas come into our minds constantly and they are almost always worth following thru, just trust your gut and leap!
2) Take at least 2hrs a day of personal time. Whether that’s cooking a nice meal, going for a run, doing yoga or...? Just make sure you have 2hrs a day to be calm in your mind, not engaging with anyone or technology. 2hrs seems like a lot, but it flies by fast and keeps your mind open and ready to receive all those great ideas you have to follow thru on! I don't always make it every day, but I try!
3) YOUR TO DO LIST WILL NEVER GET SMALLER. This one is a big one. It seems simple, and takes awhile to accept and adjust to. Once you accept this, it helps you schedule in that much-needed 2hrs of you time. Sure, we all have times when we need to hustle, but it does not need to be everyday, otherwise we will burn out.
If you had a band, what kind of music would they play?
I'm sure it would be indie folk, I'm obsessed.
Would you trade the experience you have gained from starting multiple businesses, to be able to go back in time and do things over again differently?
Nope, never. I have had some extremely tough times, but each and every one has taught me something. I have gained so many nuggets of knowledge I wouldn’t want to live without.
What are the top qualities you look for in a friend?
Travel buddy, dreamer, + up for a good laugh! I would say the biggest quality though is someone who is a doer! I love to have friends that are moving and shaking in their own lives. Because when we get together the energy is great! We have lots to catch up on, and sometimes we even boogie together and make magic happen! Like plan a trip, event, or head to the beach! I am always busy doing something, and I love to share it with others. So people who take joy in action are my kind of people! Lets HIKE! :D
What is your favourite aquatic activity?
Floating! I don’t mind if it’s in my bikini on a lylo or on a boat. I just love to be on the water :D
That is our Jessica! Thanks for taking the time to get to know her. She's pretty rad, right? (And doesn't she have the best hair!) Anything you want to know that she didn't share? Leave your questions in the comments box for round two!